====== 1. Main Screen Layout ====== {{:a-1.png?500|}} 1. Menu \\ You can execute data provided by Integated Weather Analysis System (IWAS) by selecting Thematic Map, Select/Move Area, and Model Analysis Tools. To view help information of the selected data, choose the data you want to display, then click Help Topics to view the pop-up help window.\\ 2. Selecting Weather Charts \\ Click Weather Chart, Supplementary Anslysis Chart, Variables, Predictions, Observations, or Typhoon to view a type of data you want to display.\\ 3. Timeline \\ Click the mouse or use arrows keys to select the time you want to view, such as announcement time and prediction time. To convert the standard time, change the settings by using UTC/KST, not in the Reference Time Settings in the Tools menu. \\ 4. Tools \\ In this area, you can use Animation, Bookmark, Reference Time Settings, Layers, Legend, and Tool Box. \\ 5. Data display \\ This area displays map images with data you inquired by using a projection method which is suitable for the inquired data. Drag the mouse to move or zoom in and out the image. Even if you set the Zoom Level to its maxium, the size of the Korean Peninsula is automatically adjusted to fit the screen, and the area is automatically located at the center of the screen. \\ ====== 2. Querying Data ====== ===== 2.1 Timeline ===== The timeline bar consists of the announcement time (①) from supercomputer and the prediction time (②) by each numerical model. (i.e., in the case of numerical models, the announcement time refers to standard time; effectuation time refers to prediction time of model data.) \\ When you select the announcement time and then prediction time, forecast fields corresponding to the selected prediction time are displayed. To move the prediction time displayed on the screen, click the arrows of effectuation time (②). \\ For example, when you select the date of 26th as an announcement time, then select the date of 27th as a prediction time, you can see the forecast fields that were issued 24 hours after the date of 26th.\\ {{:02-1.png?500|}} ※ Data display features when using Timeline of Integrated Weather Analysis System - 48 cells in total \\ - Easy to move the effectuation time by clicking the mouse or using arrow keys \\ - Automatically adjusting the time scale of the timeline depending on the data production cycle\\ - To analyze past fields of the model data, use the left arrow key for the analysis (move eight spaces to the left) \\ - When images are overlapped, the timeline is set up corresponding to the top image layer. In the Layer Edit window, you can reset the timeline according to the selected layer you want to view. \\ ===== 2.2 Querying Weather Charts ===== {{:a-2.png?500|}} 1. Click the Weather Chart tab. (Choose a type of data to display)\\ 2. Click the weather chart type. (Choose a type of weather chart) \\ 3. Select the weather chart you want to display on the screen. (Choose an item of the weather chart) \\ 4. Select the model. (Choose model data)\\ 5. Select the announcement time of numerical model. (Set the standard time of the model data)\\ 6. Select the prediction time. (Set the prediction time of the model data)\\ ※ Refer to the attached file for a list of searchable numerical models, weather chart classification, and names of weather charts. \\ ===== 2.3 Displaying Supplementary Analysis Charts ===== {{:a-3.png?500|}} 1. Click the Supplementary Analysis Chart tab. (Choose a type of data to display)\\ 2. Click the supplementary analysis chart type. (Choose a type of supplementary analysis chart) \\ 3. Select the supplementary analysis chart you want to display on the screen. (Choose an item of the supplementary analysis chart)\\ 4. Select the model. (Choose model data)\\ 5. Select the announcement time of numerical model. (Set the standard time of the model data)\\ 6. Select the prediction time. (Set the prediction time of the model data)\\ ※ Refer to the attached file for a list of serchable numerical models, types of weather charts, and names of weather charts. \\ ===== 2.4 Querying Variables ===== {{:a-4.png?500|}} 1. Click the Variables tab. (Choose a type of data to display)\\ 2. Click the variable type. (Choose an item of the variables) \\ 3. Select the variable type you want to display on the screen. (Variable item selection)\\ 4. Select the model. (Choose model data)\\ 5. Select the announcement time of numerical model. (Set the standard time of the model data)\\ 6. Select the prediction time. (Set the prediction time of the model data)\\ ※ Refer to the attached file for a list of searchable numerical models, types of weather charts, and names of weather charts. \\ ===== 2.5 Viewing Predictions ===== {{:a-5.png?500|}} 1. Click the Prediction tab. (Choose a type of data to display) \\ 2. Select the prediction type. (Choose a type of forecast type)\\ 3. Select the prediction type you want to display on the screen. (Choose an item to display in the selected forecast type)\\ 4. Select the data type. (Choose an item to search)\\ 5. Select the announcement time of numerical model. (Set the standard time of the model data)\\ 6. Select the prediction time. (Set the prediction time of the model data)\\ ※ Refer to the attached file for a list of searchable numerical models, types of weather charts, and names of weather charts. \\ ===== 2.6 Viewing Typhoons ===== {{:a-6.png?500|}} 1. Click the Typhoon tab.\\ 2. Select the year you want to view. (Choose the year the typhoon occurred) \\ 3. Select the typhoon you want to display. (Typhoon number - Typhoon name)\\ 4. Select [Typhoon Info]. (Classified by issue number of the selected typhoon)\\ 5. Select the agency that announced the typhoon. (Choose either KMA or the result of typhoon model)\\ ※ Note: Typhoon information does not have timeline. \\ ===== 2.7 Querying Observation Data ===== {{:a-7.png?500|}} 1. Click the Observations tab. (Select a type of data to display)\\ 2. Select the type of observation data you want to query. (Choose a type of observation equipment) \\ 3. Select the type of detailed observation. (Choose the observation data)\\ 4. Select the subitems to display under the selected observation type. (Choose information to diaplay) \\ ===== 2.8 Overlapping Variables ===== The Integrated Weather Analysis System allows you not only to search items of weather charts, supplementary analysis charts, variables, and observations, but also to overlap different data. \\ You can also overlap multiple variables depending on the processing power of the PC if the time of every variable you queried is identical (the time of the observation data that does not contain a prediction chart is based on the time when the weather chart is in effect).\\ If setting up the overlay features, you can add image layers of other data while maintaining the existing data already displayed. \\ You can move and change the settings of overlapped images in the Edit Layer window.\\ ※ Refer to “5. Layer Management” for Edit Layer functions and how to use them. {{:09-1.png?500|}} 1. Overlapping by adding layers\\ • Overlapping by adding layers between weather charts\\ {{:a-47.png?500|}} • Overlapping by adding layers to weather chart and supplementary analysis chart {{:a-50.png?500|}} • Overlapping by adding layers to weather chart and variables {{:a-48.png?500|}} • Overlapping by adding lauyers to weather chart and observation data - When overlapping layers by adding weather charts and various observation data, the timeline is converted to the observation time of the observation data. {{:a-49.png?500|}} ※ In addition, you can add supplementary analysis charts, variables, observation data by using Add Layer in the Edit Layer window. \\ 2. Deleting all the displayed layers by selecting data \\ - You can use this function when you want to delet all the image layers displayed on the screen, not a specific layer.\\ ====== 3. Model Analysis Tools ====== ===== 3.1 Overview ===== The model analysis tools in the Integrated Weather Analysis System include vertical profiles, forecast Skew-T diagram, variable-altitude, time series, and time–altitude. \\ In the tools, there is also announcement– effectuation time table that indicates the time you can search for the displayed model data, and model data sampling that provides information of the displayed model data. \\ In addition, you can control vertical charts in the individual windows, enabling you to simultaneously analyze multiple vertical charts. These vertical charts are displayed with chart log and loading bar, showing the display status of the data. \\ ===== 3.2 Querying by Time Series ===== {{:a-8.png?500|}} 1. Search the weather chart or variables. \\ 2. Click Model Analysis Tools in the Menu. \\ 3. Select the Time Series item.\\ 4. Set up the point to display.\\ • Select any point on the map. (Click the desired point on the map) \\ • Enter the representative point. (Enter a point among 80 representative points, such as Seoul Busan, etc.) \\ • Enter the desired point directly. (Enter the the latitude and longitude of the point you want to view)\\ 5. Display the query results.\\ - Time series: displays the result of the values according to the time of variables \\ {{:a-9.png?500|}} [User Options]\\ - Select a model on the top-left corner: Select UM global, UM regional, UM local, or KLAPS on the chart to display the model data.\\ - You can display single time (above-ground) variables in time series. \\ - Height: On the chart, you can choose 1000 hPa, 925 hPa, 850 hPa, 700 hPa, 500 hPa, 300 hpa, 200 hPa, or 100 hPa. \\ - Time range: 72 hr, 144 hr, 288 hr\\ - Standard time (UTC): You can modify the standard time in the chart. - Click the variable name in the lower-right corner. Enable or disable variables in the chart.\\ - Click Excel icon in the left-bottom to download the displayed time series data as a csv file.\\ ===== 3.3 Querying by Forecast Skew-T Diagram ===== {{:a-10.png?500|}} 1. Search the weather chart or variables. \\ 2. Click Model Analysis Tools in the Menu. \\ 3. Select the Forecast Skew-T Diagram item.\\ 4. Set up the point to display.\\ • Select any point on the map. (Click the desired point on the map) \\ • Enter the representative point. (Enter a point among 80 representative points, such as Seoul, Busan, etc. 80 points) \\ • Enter the desired point directly. (Enter the latitude and longitude of the point you want to view)\\ 5. Display the query results.\\ - Forecast Skew-T diagram : displays the Skew-T diagram for the prediction time of the model \\ {{:a-11.png?500|}} [User Options]\\ - Select a model on the top-left corner: Select UM global, UM regional, UM local, or KLAPS on the chart to display the model data.\\ - Standard time (UTC): You can modify the standard time in the chart. \\ - Prediction (0 hr): You can choose -12H,-6H, -3H, + 3H, + 6H, or + 12H time.\\ ===== 3.4 Querying by Time-Altitude ===== {{:a-12.png?500|}} 1. Search the weather chart or variables. \\ 2. Click Model Analysis Tools in the Menu. \\ 3. Select the Time-Altitude item.\\ 4. Set up the point to display.\\ • Select any point on the map. (Click the desired point on the map) \\ • Enter the representative point. (Enter a point among 80 representative points, such as Seoul Busan, etc.) \\ • Enter the desired point directly. (Enter the latitude and longitude of the point you want to view)\\ 5. Display the query results\\ - Time-Altitude: displays vertical variations with change in time. \\ {{:a-13.png?500|}} [User Options]\\ - Select a model on the top-left corner: Select UM global, UM regional, UM local, or KLAPS on the chart to display themodel data.\\ - Time range : 72 hr, 144 hr, 288 hr\\ - Standard time (UTC): You can modify the standard time in the chart. \\ - Click the variable name in the lower-right corner: You can enable or disable variables in the chart.\\ - Zoom in and out the Y-asix by using the mouse wheel. (With the mouse wheel, you can do detailed analysis of a low-altitude, hide a specific variable, and change isopleths/planes.)\\ - Display a wind barb image of the weather chart with wind field, on the vertical chart.\\ - Change the range of screen display by dragging the screen with the mouse.\\ ===== 3.5 Querying by Variable-Altitude ===== {{:a-14.png?500|}} 1. Search the weather chart or variables. \\ 2. Click Model Analysis Tools in the Menu. \\ 3. Select the Variable-Altitude item.\\ 4. Set up the point to display.\\ • Select any point on the map. (Click the desired point on the map) \\ • Enter the representative point. (Enter a point among 80 representative points, such as Seoul Busan, etc.) \\ • Enter the desired point directly. (Enter the the latitude and longitude of the point you want to view)\\ 5. Display the query results\\ - Variable-Altitude: displays vertical profiles of each variable \\ {{:a-15.png?500|}} [User Options]\\ - Select a model on the top-left corner: Select UM global, UM regional, UM local, or KLAPS on the chart to display the model data.\\ - Standard time (UTC): You can modify the standard time in the chart.\\ - Prediction (0 hr) : You can choose -12H, -6H, -3H, +3H, +6H, or +12H.\\ - Click the variable name in the lower-right corner: You can enable or disable the variables in the chart.\\ - Zoom in and out the Y-axis by using the mouse wheel.\\ ===== 3.6 Querying by Vertical Profile ===== {{:a-16.png?500|}} 1. Search the weather chart or variables. \\ 2. Click Model Analysis Tools in the Menu. \\ 3. Select the Time-Altitude item.\\ 4. Set up the point to display.\\ • Select any point on the map. (Click the desired point with on the map) \\ • Enter the representative point. (Enter a point among 80 representative points, such as Seoul Busan, etc.)\\ • Enter the desired point directly. (Enter the latitude and longitude of the point you want to view)\\ 5. Display the query results\\ - Vertical Profile: displays the vertical value of the variable between the two selected points. \\ {{:a-17.png?500|}} [User Options]\\ - Select a models on the left upper corner: Select UM global, UM regional, UM local, or KLAPS on the chart to display the model data.\\ - Standard time (UTC): You can modify the standard time in the chart. \\ - Prediction (0 hr): You can choose -12H, -6H, -3H, +3H, +6H, or +12H.\\ - Click the variable name on the right-down side: You can enable or disable the variables in the chart.\\ - Zoom in and out the Y-axis by using the mouse wheel.\\ - Change the range of screen display by dragging the screen with the mouse.\\ ===== 3.7 Querying by Announcement–Effectuation Timetable ===== {{:a-18.png?500|}} 1. Search the weather chart. \\ 2. Click the Model Analysis Tools in the Toolbox. \\ 3. Click the announcement-effectuation timetable. \\ {{:25.png?500|}} ===== 3.8 Sampling Model Data ===== {{:a-19.png?500|}} 1. Select weather chart, variable, or supplemenatry analysis chart. \\ 2. Click the Model Analysis Tools in the Menu. \\ 3. Select the Sampling Model Data item.\\ 4. Set up the section to display.\\ • Select any point. (Click the desired point on the map) \\ • Enter the representative point. (Enter a point among 80 representative points, such as Seoul, Busan, etc.) \\ • Enter the point directly. (Enter the latitude and longitude of the point you want to view)\\ 5. Display the variable values and location information of the input point on the screen.\\ {{:a-20.png?300|}} ====== 4. Saving and Managing Bookmarks ====== ===== 4.1 Saving Bookmarks ===== {{:a-21.png?500|}} 1. Search weather chart. \\ 2. Click the Bookmark [{{:26_1.png?20|}}]in the Tools. \\ 3. Check the list of Bookmarks. \\ 4. Select a group or enter a new folder name to save the chart. \\ 5. Type or select a name of the Bookmark and save it. \\ ===== 4.2 Viewing Saved Screens ===== {{:a-22.png?500|}} 1. Click the Bookmark tab.\\ 2. Click the name of the folder you created when you saved your bookmarks. \\ 3. Click the name of the screen page you bookmarked. \\ ===== 4.3 Selecting Thematic Maps ===== {{:a-23.png?500|}} 1. Click the Thematic Map in the Menu. \\ 2. Select the thematic map you want to display. (Multiple selection is possible.)\\ - Satellite image, rail, mountain village, water system (river basin, standard watershed, stream basin), provancial boundray, national park boundary, ASOS observation site, radar site, special management water zone, road, water and sewer, beach, regional boundray, AWS observation site, airport observation site, buoy site, shadow relief map.\\ ===== 4.4 Selecting and Moving Zones ===== {{:a-24.png?500|}} 1. Click Select/Move Area in the Menu. \\ 2. Move directly to the predefined area (Korean Peninsula, East Asia, Typhoons, Northern Hemisphere, Global Earth). \\ | {{:a-25.png?300|}} | Korean Peninsula \\ - Center coordinates are only aligned to the Korean Peninsula. \\ \\ (Regardless of the size of the window on the screen, the center coordinates are aligned to the Korean Peninsula.) | | {{:a-26.png?300|}} | East Asia | | {{:a-27.png?300|}} | Typhoons | | {{:a-28.png?300|}} | Northern Hemisphere | | {{:a-29.png?300|}} | Global Earth | 3. Move with a randomly selected latitude, longitude, and zoom level {{:35.png?200|}} 4. Move to the predefined main areas (Seoul, Incheon, Gwangju, Daegu, Busan, Daejeon, Ulsan, Jeju) by directly entering or selecting the area through setting the zoom level. {{:36.png?200|}} ===== 4.5 Legend ===== {{:a-30.png?500|}} 1. Click the Legend in the Menu in the top right corner. \\ 2. You can see the legends corresponding to the currently displayed screen. \\ ===== 4.6 Setting Time ===== {{:69-1.png?500|}} 1. Click the Settings[{{:39.png?20|}}]in the Tools. \\ 2. Select UTC or KST as the standard time. \\ 3. You can set the same settings by clicking the UTC (or KST) text at the bottom of the screen.\\ ===== 4.7 Toolbox ===== {{:a-32.png?500|}} • {{:41.png?30|}} Draw - You can draw random pictures on a weather chart. {{:42.png?100|}} - Use the Edit Drawing Tools window to set up layer settings for lines, ellipses, etc.\\ ① You can move the selected image by using the drawing tools. \\ ② ② You can select a linecolor of layers, linetype of layers, and line thickness by using the drawing tools.\\ - Adjust the screen size by using the mouse wheel (zoom in and out of the data display area).\\ - Add the azimuth layer to the drawing layer to display together.\\ | {{:43.png?300|}} |- {{:44.png?20|}}Select data \\ - {{:45.png?20|}} Change the order of the selected layer \\ - {{:46.png?20|}} Click to set whether or not to display the selected layers \\ - {{:47.png?20|}} Display color change dial logs for the selected layers; Select line colors, line type, line thickness, and density increase of the selected layer. \\ - {{:48.png?20|}} Delete the weather chart of the selected layer | {{:a-33.png?500|}} • {{:50.png?30|}} Azimuth - A support tool to take a bearing on the map.\\ - Adjust the screen size by using the mouse wheel (zoom in/out). \\ {{:a-34.png?500|}} • {{:52.png?30|}} Measure Distances - You can measure distances between the two selected points.\\ (This function displays the measured distance between the two selected points.)\\ {{:a-35.png?500|}} • {{:54.png?30|}} Convert Unit - You can convert values to different units (temperature, speed, distance, time, pressure)\\ {{:55.png?300|}} • {{:56.png?30|}} Capture - You can capture the currently displayed screen (saving PNG) {{:57.png?300|}} • {{:a-52.png?30|}} Track Particle Path - Enter a latitude and longitude to display the past and predicted paths from the user-selected point. {{:a-37.png?300|}} {{:a-38.png?300|}} ===== 4.8 Animation ===== {{:a-39.png?500|}} 1. Click the Animation in the Menu.\\ - Create layer images at once as many as the number of animation frames, and then execute animation. \\ 2. The Edit Animation Layer window appears as an independent window.\\ - Setting conditions for animation\\ (the number of animation frames, time interval between frames), animation controller (play, pause, initial (final), next (previous), turn off animation)\\ 3. Animated images are displayed.\\ - When playing the Animation, the other screen functions are disabled before playing the images.\\ - Pause to analyze some layers separately.\\ - As for overlapped data, create a layer image based on the timeline you set, and then amimate (options: animation frame, time interval of animation).\\ ====== 5. Managing Layers ====== ===== 5.1 Setting Layer Overlapping ===== {{:a-40.png?500|}} 1. {{:44.png?20|}} Select data \\ 2. {{:45.png?20|}} Change the order of the selected layer \\ 3. {{:46.png?20|}} Click to set whether or not to display the selected layers \\ 4. {{:47.png?20|}} Display color change dial logs for the selected layer \\ (Possible to change line color, line type, line thickness, and density enhancement of the selected layer) \\ 5. {{:48.png?20|}} Delete the weather chart of the selected layer \\ ===== 5.2 Layer Settings ===== 1. All Line Colors • Possible to change the color of isopleths in the selected layer\\ - Target : isopleth, isosurface, wind vane, wind vector, streamline, moisture flux\\ {{:a-41.png?500|}} 2. All Surface Colors {{:a-42.png?500|}} 3. Type of Line • Possible to change the type of isopleth of the selected layer\\ - Target : isopleth, isosurface\\ - Type : solid, dotted, dashed line\\ {{:a-43.png?500|}} 4. All Line Thickness • Possible to change the line thickness of the isopleth in the selected layer\\ - Target: isopleth, isosurface\\ - Type: 1 pixel to 8 pixels\\ {{:a-44.png?500|}} 5. All Density Increase • Possible to increase the density in the surface or contour line (double to quadruple)\\ 6. Section Settings {{:a-45.png?500|}} 7. User Detail Settings {{:a-46.png?500|}} ====== 9. Reading Weather Charts ====== ===== 9.1 Forecast Fields ===== ===== 9.1.1 Basic Forecast Chart =====   ===== 200/300 Height, Temperature, Wind Speed ===== {{:k-024.png?500|}} **200/300hPa Height, Temperature, and Wind Speed (200-Summer/300-Winter):**\\ 1. In the summer, 11760 gpm of isohypse and 9780 gpm of the winter isohypse were analyzed at intervals of 120 gpm in solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and displayed in solid red line.\\ 3. Wind speed in knots is shown in the colors in the color bar on the right side: the wind speed in the range of 50-100 knots is in blue color; the wind speed of 100-150 knots is in green color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 500 Height, Temperature, Vorticity ===== {{:k-025.png?500|}} **500 hPa Height, Temperature, and Vorticity Chart:** 1. Isohypse was analyzed at 60 gpm intervals based on 5580 gpm and displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 5 °C intervals and displayed in solid red line.\\ 3. Relative vorticity was displayed by the colors in the color bar on the right side. The larger the value, the more red the color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 700 Height, Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-026.png?500|}} **700 hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Isohypse was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 3000 gpm and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is displayed by the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropical air mass) is expressed in a gradient from yellow-green to red.\\ 3. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\   ===== 850 Height, Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-027.png?500|}} **850 hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature:**\\ 1. Isohypse was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropical air mass) is expressed in a gradient from yellow-green to red. \\ 3. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 925 Height, Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-028.png?500|}} **925 hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Isohypse was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals at 810 gpm (60 gpm intervals in winter) and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropical air mass) is expressed in a gradient from yellow-green to red.\\ 3. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 1000-500 Thickness ===== {{:k-029.png?500|}} **1000-500 hPa Thickness Chart:** 1. Isopach is displayed in solid blue at intervals of 60 m.\\ 2. The p-velocity value at 700 hPa is shown in the colors on the right side. The larger the (-) value, the more red the color.\\ 3. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 1000-700 Thickness ===== {{:k-030.png?500|}} **1000-700 hPa Thickness Chart:** 1. Isopach is displayed in solid blue line at intervals of 60 m.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) at 850 hPa is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropical air mass) is expressed in a gradient from yellow-green to red.\\ 3. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots with black wind barbs. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 1000-850 Thickness ===== {{:k-031.png?500|}} **1000-850hPa Thickness Chart:** 1. Isotherm at 925 hPa is displayed in solid red line.\\ 2. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ 3. The 850-hPa dewpoint deficit is shown in the colors on the right side. The lower the dewpoint deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 4. The thickness ranging from 1281 to 1297 is expressed by the blue area.\\ 5. Expected snow area is displayed in pink.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 200/300 Streamline, Wind speed ===== {{:k-032.png?500|}} **200/300 hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart (200-summer/300-winter):** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is represented by the colors on the right side, in units of knots. The wind speed in the range of 50-100 knots is shown in blue color. The wind speed of 100-150 knots is displayed in green color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 500 Streamline, Wind speed ===== {{:k-033.png?500|}} **500hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is represented by the colors on the right side, in units of knots. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green color. The wind speed of 50-75 knots is displayed in yellow color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 700 Streamline, Wind speed ===== {{:k-034.png?500|}} **700hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is represented by the colors on the right side, in units of knots. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green color. The wind speed of 50-75 knots is displayed in yellow color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 850 Streamline, Wind speed ===== {{:k-035.png?500|}} **850hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line. 2. Wind speed is represented by the colors on the right side, in units of knots. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green color. The wind speed of 50-75 knots is displayed in yellow color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 925 Streamline, Wind speed ===== {{:k-036.png?500|}} **925hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is represented by the colors on the right side, in units of knots. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green color. The wind speed of 50-75 knots is displayed in yellow color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== MSLP (Mean Sea Level Pressure), Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-037.png?500|}} **MSLP and Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. 3-hour accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the right side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 3-hr Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-038.png?450|}} **3-hr Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. 3-hour accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the top side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== 6-hr Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-039.png?500|}} **6-hr Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the top side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== 12-hr Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-040.png?500|}} **12-hr Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the top side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== Total Accumulated Precipitation (3hr interval) ===== {{:k-041.png?450|}} **Total Accumulated Precipitation (3hr interval):** 1. Accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the top side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== Total Accumulated Precipitation (6hr interval) ===== {{:k-042.png?500|}} **Total Accumulated Precipitation (6hr interval):** 1. Accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the top side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== Total Accumulated Precipitation (for short-term forecast) ===== {{:k-043.png?500|}} **Total Accumulated Precipitation (for short-term forecast):** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Accumulated precipitation was represented by the colors on the top side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== Qsnow & Ice ===== {{:k-044.png?500|}} **Qsnow & Ice:** 1. Isoheight at 925 hPa was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 810 gpm (60 gpm interval in winter) and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with blue wind barbs.\\ 3. Based on the area shaded in green (minimum of 2760 m; maximum of 2820 m), the south is considered as rain; the north is snow.\\ 4. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals in the range of 3 ° C to -9 ° C and displayed as solid red line.\\ 5. Qsnow & ice is displayed by the colors on the right side. The lager the value, the more red the color is displayed.\\   ===== Accumulated Snow ===== {{:k-045.png?500|}} **Accumulated Snow:** 1. Isoheight at 925 hPa was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 810 gpm (60 gpm interval in winter) and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with blue wind barbs.\\ 3. Based on the area shaded in green (minimum of 2760 m, maximum of 2820 m), the south is regarded as rain; the north is snow.\\ 4. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals in the range of 3 ° C to -9 ° C and displayed as solid red line.\\ 5. Total accumulated snow is expressed by the colors on the right side, in units of kg / m². The more accumulated the snow is, the more red the color is displayed.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present |   ===== Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-046.png?500|}} **Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 4 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Total accumulated precipitation is represented by the colors on the right side, in units of mm. The more the precipitation, the more red the color. \\   ===== Areal Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-047.png?500|}} **Areal Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. This is estimiated by converting the 3-hr accumulated precipitation amount into the precipitation distribution for each grid cell area. The precipitation is classified into 5 classes.\\   ===== Precipitable Water, MSLP ===== {{:k-048.png?500|}} **Precipitable Water, MSLP:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 4 hPa intervals and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed at 500 hPa is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ 3. Precipitable precipitation is expressed in units of mm, with the colors on the right side. The greater the amount of precipitable water is, the more the color changes from green to red.\\   ===== Local Total Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-050.png?600|}} **Local Total Accumulated Precipitation** 1. This shows a spatial distribution of precipitation, which is made by accumulating one hour of precipitation of the local model up to a maximum of 14 hours.\\   ===== 700 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-055.png?500|}} **700 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. Isotherm at 500 hPa was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. Dew point deficit at 700 hPa is shown in the colors on the right side. The smaller the wetness, the darker the green color.\\   ===== 850 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-056.png?500|}} **850hPa Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. Dew point temperature line at 850 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. Dew point deficit at 850 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 3. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 925 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-057.png?500|}} **925hPa Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. Dew point temperature line at 925 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. Dew point deficit at 925 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 3. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm (60gpm in winter) based on 810 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== Surface Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-058.png?500|}} **Surface Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. Dew point temperature at the surface was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. Surface dew point deficit is represented by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit is, the darker the green color.\\ 3. Isobar was analyzed at 4 hPa intervals and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 850 Moisture Flow ===== {{:k-059.png?500|}} **850hPa Moisture Flow:** 1. Moisture flow at 850hPa is displayed as red wind barbs.\\ 2. The degree of convergence is represented by the colors on the right side. The greater the convergence (- value), the more blue the color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 200/300 Divergence Field and Wind ===== {{:k-060.png?500|}} **200/300 Divergence and Wind Chart (200-summer/300-winter): ** 1. The divergence field is expressed by the colors on the right side. The greater the divergence is, the more red the color.\\ 2. Isotach represents a wind of 25 knots or more at intervals of 25 knots in solid red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 850 Convergence Field and Isotach ===== {{:k-061.png?500|}} **850 Convergence Field and Isotach:** 1. Convergence is represented by the colors on the right side. The greater the convergence (- value), the more purple the color.\\ 2. Isotach shows a wind of 25 knots or more in solid red line at intervals of 25 knots.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 700 Frontal Strength, Height and Temperature ===== {{:k-062.png?500|}} **700 Frontal Strength, Height and Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 60 gpm based on 3000 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The frontal strength is shown in red as the (+) value (front hardening) gets bigger. The larger the (-) value (front weakness), the more green the color.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 850 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature ===== {{:k-063.png?500|}} **850hPa Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The frontal strength is shown in red as the (+) value (front hardening) gets bigger. The larger the (-) value (front weakness), the more green the color.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 925 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature ===== {{:k-064.png?500|}} **925hPa Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 810 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The frontal strength is shown in red as the (+) value (front hardening) gets bigger. The larger the (-) value (front weakness), the more green the color.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== Surface Pressure Tendency ===== {{:k-065.png?500|}} **Surface Pressure Tendency:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. The pressure tendency is represented by the colors on the right side. It is displayed in red when the pressure rises, and displayed in blue when it descends.\\   ===== 500 Vorticity Advection ===== {{:k-066.png?500|}} **500hPa Vorticity Advection:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 60 gpm intervals based on 5580 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Vorticity is represented by the colors on the right side. The more red the color, the higher vorticity value.\\ 3. Vorticity advection was represented by solid green line. The stronger the vorticity advection, the denser the line.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 500 Changes with Altitude ===== {{:k-067.png?500|}} **500hPa Changes with Altitude:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 60 gpm intervals based on 5580 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. The changes with altitude is shown in units of m/day by using the colors on the right side. The changes in the range of 0 to -50 m/day is displayed in purple; the changes in the range of -50 to -100 m/day is displayed in blue.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 700 Ascending Speed ===== {{:k-068.png?500|}} **700hPa Ascending Speed:** 1. Isotherm at 850 hPa is displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. The ascending speed at 700 hPa is expressed in red color as the (-) value becomes larger.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed by black wind barbs in units of knots.\\   ===== 850 Temperature Tendency ===== {{:k-069.png?500|}} **850hPa Temperature Tendency:** 1. Isotherm is displayed in solid red line.\\ 2. The larger the (-) value, the more blue the color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 850 Mixing Ratio ===== {{:k-070.png?500|}} **850hPa Mixing Ratio:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed in solid red line.\\ 3. Mixing ratio is indicated by the colors on the right side. The larger the mixing ratio, the darker the green color.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 1000-700 Thickness Advection ===== {{:k-071.png?500|}} **1000-700hPa Thickness Advection:** 1. Isopach is displayed in solid blue line at intervals of 60m.\\ 2. Thickness advection is represented by the colors on the right side. The larger the (-) value, the more red the color.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed with black wind barbs in units of knots.\\   ===== Surface Wind ===== {{:k-072.png?500|}} **Surface Wind:** 1. Isotherm was analyzed at 4 ° C intervals and displayed in solid red line.\\ 2. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 3. Wind vector is represented by red arrows.\\ 4. Temperature is displayed by the colors on the right side. The larger the value, the more red the color. The smaller the value, the greener the color. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== Auxiliary Forecast Chart ===== {{:k-074.png?500|}} **850hPa Moisture Flow:** 1. Moisture flow is represented by green arrows.\\ 2. Wind speed is represented by green wind barbs in units of knots. Winds stronger than 50 knots is represented by red wind barbs.\\ 3. The blue shade indicates a water convergence area (E-9 / s).\\ **850hPa Streamline and Isotach Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is displayed in units of knots. Wind speeds in the range of 25 to 50 knots are shown in green; wind speeds in the range of 50 to 75 knots are in yellow. \\ **1000-500 hPa Thickness and 700hPa Dew Point Deficit:** 1. Thickness is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ **K-index:** 1. K-Index is displayed at 5 intervals. The larger the K-index value, the darker the yellow color.\\ **850hPa Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Equivalent potential temperature of 333K or higher (subtropics baseline boundary value) is displayed gradually from green to red.\\ **200 hPa Height, Divergence Field, and Wind Speed:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 120 gpm based on 11760 gpm and displayed as a solid blue line.\\ 2. As the divergence becomes strong, it is displayed in red color.\\ 3. Isotach shows the winds stronger than 50 knots in solid red line at intervals of 25 knots.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ ===== 9.1.2 Basic Prognostic Chart (Korean Penisula) =====   ===== 200/300 Height, Temperature, and Wind Speed ===== {{:k-075.png?300|}} **200/300 hPa Height, Temperature, and Wind Speed Chart (200-summer/300-winter):** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 120 gpm intervals based on 11760 gpm for summer and 9180 gpm for winter, respectively, and displayed in blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and displayed in solid red line.\\ 3. Wind speed in units of knots is shown in the colors on the right side. Wind speed in the range of 50–100 knots is shown in blue; wind speed between 100–150 knots in green. \\   ===== 500 Height, Temperature, and Vorticity ===== {{:k-076.png?300|}} **500hPa 500 hPa Height, Temperature, and Vorticity Chart:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 60 gpm intervals based on 5580 gpm and displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and displayed in solid red line.\\ 3. Relative vorticity is represented by the colors on the right side. The greater the vorticity value, the more red the color.\\   ===== 700 Height, Temperature, and Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-077.png?300|}} **700hPa Height, Temperature, and Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 3000 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropics) is displayed gradually from green to red.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present | | JMA(GTS) | 2 times a day (00,12UTC) | (24hr) | 2011.05.01 ~ present |   ===== 850 Height, Temperature, and Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-078.png?300|}} **850hPa Height, and Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropics) is displayed gradually from green to red.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\   ===== 925 Height, Temperature, and Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-079.png?300|}} **925hPa Height, and Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals (60 gpm intervals in winter) based on 1500 gpm and displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropics) is displayed gradually from green to red. \\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== 1000-500 Thickness ===== {{:k-080.png?300|}} **1000-500hPa Thickness Chart:** 1. Isopach is displayed in blue line at intervals of 30 m.\\ 2. The p-velocity value at 700 hPa is displayed in the colors on the right side. The greater the (-) value, the more red the color.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed with black wind barbs in units of knots.\\   ===== 1000-700 Thickness ===== {{:k-081.png?300|}} **1000-700hPa Thickness Chart:** 1. The 3000 m isopach is displayed in solid black line. 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) at 850 hPa is shown in the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropics) is displayed gradually from greeen to red. 3.Wind speed is expressed with black wind barbs in units of knots.\\   ===== 1000-850 Thickness ===== {{:k-082.png?300|}} **1000-850hPa Thickness Chart:** 1. Isotherm at 925 hPa is represented by solid red line.\\ 2. Wind speed is expressed with black wind barbs in units of knots.\\ 3. Dew point deficit at 850 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 4. The thickness in the range of 1281–1297 is displayed by blue vertical line.\\ 5. Snowfall expected area is displayed in pink. \\   ===== 200/300 Streamline and Wind Speed ===== {{:k-083.png?300|}} **200/300hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart (200-summer/300-winter):** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is shown in units of knots by the colors on the right side. The wind speed in the range of 50-100 knots is shown in blue; the wind speed of 100-150 knots is in green.\\ 3. Isotach of 50 knots or more is displayed as solid red line at intervals of 25 knots.\\   ===== 500 Streamline and Wind Speed ===== {{:k-084.png?300|}} **500hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed is shown in units of knots by the colors on the right side. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green, and the wind speed of 50-75 knots is in yellow.\\ 3. Isotach of 15 knots or more is indicated by solid red line at intervals of 5 knots.\\   ===== 700 Streamline and Wind Speed ===== {{:k-085.png?300|}} **700hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. The wind speed is shown in units of knots by the colors on the right side. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green, and the wind speed of 50-75 knots is in yellow.\\ 3. Isotach of 5 knots or more is indicated by solid red line at intervals of 5 knots.\\   ===== 850 Streamline and Wind Speed ===== {{:k-086.png?300|}} **850hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. The wind speed is shown in units of knots by the colors on the right side. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green; the wind speed of 50-75 knots is in yellow.\\ 3. Isotach of 5 knots or more is indicated by solid red line at intervals of 5 knots.\\   ===== 925 Streamline and Wind Speed ===== {{:k-087.png?300|}} **925hPa Streamline and Wind Speed Chart:** 1. Streamline is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. The wind speed is shown in units of knots by the colors on the right side. The wind speed in the range of 25-50 knots is shown in green; the wind speed of 50-75 knots is in yellow.\\ 3. Isotach of 5 knots or more is indicated by solid red line at intervals of 5 knots.\\   ===== Total Accumulated Precipitation ===== {{:k-088.png?600|}} **Total Accumulated Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 1 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Accumulated precipitation is represented by the colors at the top (in mm). The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== Accumulated Precipitation by Hour ===== {{:k-089.png?600|}} **Accumulated Precipitation by Hour:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 1 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. 1-hour accumulated precipitation is expressed by the colors at the upper part (in mm). The more the precipitation, the more red the color.\\   ===== Qsnow & Ice ===== {{:k-090.png?300|}} **Qsnow & Ice:** 1. Isoheight at 925 hPa was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with blue wind barbs.\\ 3. Based on the area shaded in green (minimum of 2760m, maximum of 2820m), the south is rain and the north is snow.\\ 4. Isotherm was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals in the range of 3 ° C to -9 ° C and displayed as solid red line.\\ 5. Qsnow & ice is displayed by the colors on the right side. The lager the value, the more red color is displayed.\\ 6. This is produced only during winter (November – April).\\   ===== New Snow ===== {{:k-091.png?600|}} **New Snow:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 1 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. The precipitation area is displayed by a vertical green line area.\\ 3. Among the precipitation areas, the new snow is expressed in the colors on the right side (in cm). The greater the snowfall, the more red the color.\\ (Snow/Rain Ratio: rainfall amount is converted into the corresponding snowfall amount by using the Snow Water Equivalent)\\   ===== Precipitable Water and MSLP ===== {{:k-092.png?300|}} **Precipitable Water and MSLP:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 4 hPa intervals and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Wind speed at 500 hPa is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ 3. Precipitable water (in mm) is displayed by the colors on the right side. As the precipitable water value increases, the color changes from green to red.\\   ===== 700 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-093.png?300|}} **700 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. The 500 hPa isotherm was analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. The dew point deficit at 700 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\   ===== 850 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-094.png?300|}} **850 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. Dew point temperature line at 850 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals.\\ 2. The dew point deficit at 850 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 3. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line. \\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 925 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-095.png?300|}} **925 Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. The dew point temperature line at 925 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals.\\ 2. The dew point deficit at 925 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 3. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 810 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== Surface Dew Point Deficit (T-Td) ===== {{:k-096.png?300|}} **Surface Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. The dew point temperature line of surface was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals.\\ 2. The dew point deficit of surface is displayed by the colors on the right side. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 3. Isobar was analyzed at intervals of 1 hPa and displayed in solid blue line.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 700-850 Dew Point Deficit Chart ===== {{:k-097.png?450|}} **700-850 Dew Point Deficit Chart (3-hr interval):** 1. The dew point deficit at 850 hPa is shown in the colors in the color bar at the upper left corner. The smaller the dew point deficit, the darker the green color.\\ 2. The 700 hPa dew point deficit is displayed by the colors in the upper right corner. The darker the dew point deficit, the darker the blue color.\\   ===== 850 Moisture Flow ===== {{:k-098.png?300|}} **850 Moisture Flow:** 1. Moisture flow at 850 hPa is displayed by red wind barbs.\\ 2. The degree of convergence is shown in the colors on the right side. The greater the convergence (- value), the more blue the color. \\   ===== 200/300 Divergence Field and Isotach Chart ===== {{:k-099.png?300|}} **200/300 Divergence Field and Isotach Chart (200-summer/300-winter):** 1. Divergence field is displayed by the colors on the right side. The stronger the divergence, the more red the color.\\ 2. Isotach shows winds of 50 knots or more with solid red line at intervals of 25 knots.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knows with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 850 Convergence and Isotach ===== {{:k-100.png?300|}} **850 Convergence and Isotach:** 1. Convergence is indicated by the colors on the right side. The greater the convergence (- value), the more purple the color. \\ 2. Isotach displays winds of 5 knots or more with solid red line at intervals of 5 knots.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 700 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature ===== {{:k-101.png?300|}} **700 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 3000 gpm and displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm were analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The greater the (+) value (front reinforcement) of frontal strength, the more red the color; the greater the (-) value (front weakness), the more green the color. \\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 850 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature ===== {{:k-102.png?300|}} **850 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The greater the (+) value (front reinforcement) of frontal strength, the more red the color; the greater the (-) value (front weakness), the more green the color.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 925 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature ===== {{:k-103.png?300|}} **925 Frontal Strength, Height, and Temperature:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 810 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The greater the (+) value (front reinforcement) of frontal strength, the more red the color; the greater the (-) value (front weakness), the more green the color. \\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== Surface Pressure Change ===== {{:k-104.png?300|}} **Surface Pressure Change:** 1. The MSLP was analyzed at 1 hPa intervals and displayed as solid black line.\\ 2. Pressure change is indicated by the colors on the right side. The greater the air pressure, the more red the color; the less the air pressure, the more blue the color.\\   ===== 500 Vorticity Advection ===== {{:k-105.png?300|}} **500 Vorticity Advection:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 5580 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Vorticity is represented by the colors on the right side.\\ 3. Vorticity advection was represented by solid green line. The stronger the vorticity advection, the denser the line. \\   ===== 500 Height Change ===== {{:k-106.png?300|}} **500 Height Change:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at 30 gpm intervals based on 5580 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. The height change is shown in the colors on the right side in units of m/day. The change from 0 to -50 m/day is shaded in purple; the change from -50 to -100 m/day is shown in blue.\\   ===== 700 Ascending Speed ===== {{:k-107.png?300|}} **700 Ascending Speed:** 1. Isotherm at 850 hPa was analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. In terms of ascending speed at 700 hPa, the greater the (-) value, the more red the color. \\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 850 Temperature Change ===== {{:k-108.png?300|}} **850 Temperature Change:** 1. Isotherm was analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 2. In terms of the temperature changes, the greater the (-) value, the more blue the color.\\   ===== 850 Mixing Ratio ===== {{:k-109.png?300|}} **850 Mixing Ratio:** 1. Isoheight was analyzed at intervals of 30 gpm based on 1500 gpm and displayed as solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm was analyzed at 1 ° C intervals and displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. The mixing ratio is shown in the colors on the right side. The larger the mixing ratio is, the darker the green color.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== 1000-700 Thickness Advection ===== {{:k-110.png?300|}} **1000-700 Thickness Advection:** 1. Isopach is displayed in solid blue line at intervals of 30 m.\\ 2. Thickness advection is represented by the colors in the color bar on the right side. The greater the (-) value, the more red the color. \\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\   ===== Strong Wind Guidance ===== {{:k-111.png?400|}} **Strong Wind Guidance(mean wind at surface 10-m level):** 1. Wind speed is expressed in m/s with black wind barbs.\\ 2. Isotach is displayed in solid blue line at 3.5 m/s intervals.\\ 3. Winds greater than 14 m/s are shown in the colors on the right side. \\ **Gust (the chart on the right):** 1. Wind speed is expressed in m/s with black wind barbs.\\ 2. Isotach is displayed in solid blue line at 3 m/s intervals.\\ 3. Winds greater than 20 m/s are shown in the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Analysis of Upper and Lower Level Temperature Difference (UM Regional) ===== {{:k-112.png?600|}} (Picture order: left → right, top → down)\\ **TOPO.(Topography) and SST(Sea Surface Temp.):** 1. Topographic data (sea level elevation) is displayed by the colors on the the right side.\\ 2. Sea surface temperature is displayed in solid red line.\\ **TOPO.(Topography) and SST Anomaly:** 1. Topographic data (sea level elevation) is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Sea surface temperature deviation is displayed as solid blue line.\\ **Outgoing Long Wave Radiation:** 1. Outgoing long wave radiation is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ **Different-Temp.[500-400hPa]:** 1. The temperature difference between 500-400 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ **Different-Temp.[SFC-925hPa]:** 1. The temperature difference between surface–925 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Streamline is expressed in solid green line.\\ **Different-Temp.[SFC-850hPa]:** 1. The temperature difference between surface–850 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Streamline is expressed in solid green line.\\ **Different-Temp.[SFC-700hPa]:** 1. The temperature difference between surface–700 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Sreamline is expressed in solid green line.\\ **Different-Temp.[SFC-500hPa]:** The temperature difference between surface–500hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Analysis of Convective Instability ===== {{:k-114.png?450|}} (Picture order: left → right, top → down)\\ **850hPa Convergence & Winds:** 1. Isoheight is displayed by solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotach of 25 kts or more is displayed by solid red line.\\ 3. The degree of convergence is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\ 4. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ **200hPa Divergence & Winds:** 1. Isotach of 50 kts or more is displayed in solid red line.\\ 2. The degree of divergence is expressed by the colors on the right side.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with black wind barbs.\\ **925-400hPa Wind Shear:** Windshear is displayed by the colors bar on the right side.\\ **700hPa P-velocity & Winds:** 1. Isoheight is displayed by solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm is shown in solid red line.\\ 3. Ascending speed is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 4. Wind is indicated by black wind barbs.\\ **500hPa Height-tendency:** 1. Isoheight is displayed by solid blue lines.\\ 2. Isotherm is shown in solid red line.\\ 3. The geopotential height tendency (+:rising, -:falliing) is indicated by the colors on the right.\\ **500hPa Vorticity & 925hPa Winds:** 1. Isoheight is displayed in solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm is shown in solid red line.\\ 3. Vorticity is inidicated by the colors on the right side.\\ 4. Winds at 925 hPa are displayed by black wind barbs.\\ **850hPa Temp.-Tendency:** The temperature trend at 850 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ **HTwz & D.T sfc-500 Tendency:** 1. The HTwz (Height of Tw=0)(unit:m) is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. The value obtained by subtracting the altitude from the altitude at zero wet bulb temperature is displayed as solid red line.\\ 3. Wind is displayed by green wind barbs\\ 4. Strong wind area (over 14 m/s) is displayed as solid blue line.\\ **Max Diluted CAPE:** 1. CAPE index is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ (CAPE: Convection Available Potential Energy: the higher the exponential value, the more unstable the air.)\\ **K-index:** 1. The K-index is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ **SSI:** The SSI is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ **SRH(Storm Relative Helicity):** 1. The SRH (storm index) was shown in the colors on the right side. The higher the probability of storm occurrence, the more blue the color.\\ **850hPa Equivalent Potential Temp.:** 1. Equivalent potential temperature at 850 hPa is shown in the colors on the right side.\\ **850hPa Equivalent Potential Temp.-Tendency:** 1. The trend of the equivalent potential temperature at 850hPa is shown in the colors on the right side.\\ **850hPa Moisture Flux & Convergence:** 1. Express moisture flow at 850 hPa is displayed by red wind barbs.\\ 2. The degree of convergence at 850 hPa is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ **Total Precipitable Water:** 1. The total precipitable water is shown in the colors on the right side.\\ **Outgoing Long Wave Radiation:** 1. The outgoing long wave radiation is shown in the colors on the right side.\\ **850 hPa Dew Point Deficit(T-Td) & 700 hPa Dew Point Deficit (T-Td):** 1. The 850 hPa dew point deficit (T-Td) is shaded in sky blue.\\ 2. The 700 hPa dew point deficit (T-Td) is shaded in green.\\ **Convective Precipitation:** 1. All precipitation areas are shown in orange color.\\ 2. Convective precipitation area, from 0 mm, is expressed by the colors on the right side.\\ **Total Accumulation Precipitation:** 1. The MSLP is shown in solid black line.\\ 2. Total accumulated precipitation is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\ ===== 9.1.3 Local Model (Korean Peninsula) =====   ===== Surface Temperature ===== {{:k-113.png?300|}} **Surface Temperature:** 1. Isotherm is displayed in solid red line.\\ 2. Wind is represented by green arrows.\\ 3. Topographic data (sea level elevation) is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Terrain and Wind ===== {{:k-115.png?300|}} **Terrain and Wind:** 1. Sea level pressure is displayed in solid black line.\\ 2. Wind is represented by green arrows.\\ 3. Streamline is shown in solid blue line.\\ 4. Topographic data (sea level elevation) is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Outgoing Long Wave Radiation ===== {{:k-116.png?300|}} **Outgoing Long Wave Radiation:** 1. Outgoing long-wave radiation is indicated by the colors on the right side. \\   ===== Very Low Cloud Amount ===== {{:k-117.png?300|}} **Very Low Cloud Amount:** 1. Very low cloud amount is expressed by pixels from 0 to 100%.\\   ===== Boundary Layer Type ===== {{:k-118.png?300|}} **Boundary Layer Type: Divided by 1 to 7 depending on the boundary layer type** 1. Type 1: Shear-dominated boundary layer \\ 2. Type 2: Cumulus-capped boundary layer\\ 3. Type 3: boundary layer with a SDC(strong density-compensated) layer over Cu \\ 4. Type 4: Unstable boundary layer with a SDC(strong density-compensated) layer not over Cu\\ 5. Type 5: well-mixed boundary layer\\ 6. Type 6: Boundary with Sc over a stable surface layer\\ 7. Type 7: stable boundary layer( with, without colud)\\   ===== Sea Level Pressure and Cumulative Precipitation ===== {{:k-119.png?300|}} **Sea Level Pressure and Cumulative Precipitation:** 1. Sea level pressure is displayed in black solid line.\\ 2. 1-hour cumulative precipitation per hour is represented by the colors on the right side.\\ 3. Wind is represented by black arrows.\\   ===== Cumulative Precipitation ===== {{:k-120.png?300|}} **Cumulative Precipitation:** 1. Sea level pressure is displayed in solid black line.\\ 2. Total cumulative precipitation from 00:00 is indicated in units of 1 hour.\\ 3. Wind is represented by black arrows.\\ ===== 9.1.4 Local Model (Detailed Area) =====   ===== Hourly Precipitation ===== {{:k-121.png?350|}} **Hourly Precipitation:** 1. Sea level elevation is represented by red contour line.\\ 2. Surface wind is displayed by black arrows.\\ 3. Precipitation is indicted by the colors on the right side. \\   ===== 누적강수량 ===== {{:k-122.png?350|}} **누적강수량:** 1. Elevation is represented by red contour line.\\ 2. Surface wind is displayed by black arrows.\\ 3. Precipitation is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Surface Temperature ===== {{:k-123.png?350|}} **Surface Temperature:** 1. Isotherm is indicated by solid red line.\\ 2. Wind is represented by black arrows.\\ 3. Topographic data (sea level elevation) is shown in the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Terrain and Wind ===== {{:k-124.png?350|}} **Terrain and Wind:** 1. Wind is represented by black arrows.\\ 2. Streamline is shown in solid blue line.\\ 3. Topographic data (sea level elevation) is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Lowest Vertical Velocity ===== {{:k-125.png?350|}} **Lowest Vertical Velocity:** 1. Elevation is shown in red contour line.\\ 2. Wind is represented by black arrows.\\ 3. Vertical wind is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\ ===== 9.1.5 Northern Hemisphere Prognosis =====   ===== Sea Level Pressure and Precipitation ===== {{:k-126.png?350|}} **Sea Level Pressure and Precipitation:** 1. Sea level pressure is displayed in solid black line.\\ 2. Isotherm is indicated by dotted red line.\\ 3. 3-hour cumulative precipitation is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== 500hPa Altitude and Temperature ===== {{:k-127.png?350|}} **500hPa Altitude and Temperature:** 1. Contour line is displayed in solid black line.\\ 2. Isotherm is indicated by dotted red line.\\ 3. Vorticity is expressed by the colors on the right side. The larger the vorticity value, the darker the red color.\\   ===== 500hPa Height Change and Temperature ===== {{:k-128.png?350|}} **500hPa Height Change:** 1. Contour line is displayed in solid black line.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by red dotted line.\\ 3. Height changes are indicated in units of m/day by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== 500hPa Height and Temperature Change ===== {{:k-129.png?350|}} **500hPa Height and Temperature Change:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid black line.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Temperature changes are indicated in units of C/day by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== 850hPa Height and Temperature Change ===== {{:k-130.png?350|}} **850hPa Height and Temperature Change:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid black.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Temperature changes are indicated in units of C/day by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== 850hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-131.png?350|}} **850hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid black.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Equivalent potential temperature is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== 850hPa Height and Mixing Ratio ===== {{:k-132.png?350|}} **850hPa Height and Mixing Ratio:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid black.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Mixing ratio is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Low-Level Wind ===== {{:k-133.png?350|}} **850hPa Low-Level Wind:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid black.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Low-level winds are expessed in units of knots by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Upper-Level Wind ===== {{:k-134.png?350|}} **200hPa Upper-Level Wind:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid black.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Upper-level winds are expressed in units of knots by the color on the right side.\\ ===== 9.1.6 Isentropic Analysis =====   ===== 350K~260K ===== {{:k-135.png?350|}} 350K | {{:k-136.png?200|}} \\ 345K \\ | {{:k-137.png?200|}} \\ 340K \\ | {{:k-138.png?200|}} \\ 335K \\ | | {{:k-139.png?200|}} \\ 330K \\ | {{:k-140.png?200|}} \\ 325K \\ | {{:k-141.png?200|}} \\ 320K \\ | | {{:k-142.png?200|}} \\ 315K \\ | {{:k-143.png?200|}} \\ 310K \\ | {{:k-144.png?200|}} \\ 305K \\ | | {{:k-145.png?200|}} \\ 300K \\ | {{:k-146.png?200|}} \\ 295K \\ | {{:k-147.png?200|}} \\ 290K \\ | | {{:k-148.png?200|}} \\ 285K \\ | {{:k-149.png?200|}} \\ 280K \\ | {{:k-150.png?200|}} \\ 275K \\ | | {{:k-151.png?200|}} \\ 270K \\ | {{:k-152.png?200|}} \\ 265K \\ | {{:k-153.png?200|}} \\ 260K \\ | **Isentropic Analysis:** 1. Isobar is shown in solid black line.\\ 2. Winds greater than 30 knots are represented by red arrows.\\ 3. The IPV is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\ - IPV: Isentropic potential vorticity \\ ^ Model name ^ Provided cycle ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable period ^ | Isentropic(UM Local) | 4 times a day(00,06,12,18UTC) | (1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | Isentropic(UM Global) | 4 times a day(00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2011.05.30 ~ present | | Isentropic(UM Region) | 4 times a day(00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr | 2011.05.30 ~ present | ===== 9.1.7 Details: Wind Temperature =====   ===== WTEM: Surface ===== {{:k-154.png?350|}} **WTEM Surface:** 1. Sea level pressure is shown in solid blue line.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind velocity is displayed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ 4. Dew point deficit of surface is represented by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== WTEM: 1000hPa ===== {{:k-155.png?350|}} **WTEM 1000hPa:** 1. Contour lines are displayed in solid blue.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ 4. Dew point deficit at 1000 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== WTEM: 925hPa ===== {{:k-156.png?350|}} **WTEM 925hPa:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid blue.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ 4. Dew point deficit at 925 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== WTEM: 850hPa ===== {{:k-157.png?350|}} **WTEM 850hPa:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid blue.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of in knots with green wind barbs.\\ 4. Dew point deficit at 850 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== WTEM: 700hPa ===== {{:k-158.png?350|}} **WTEM 700hPa:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid blue.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ 4. Dew point deficit at 700 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== WTEM: 500hPa ===== {{:k-159.png?350|}} **WTEM 500hPa:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid blue.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ 4. Dew point deficit at 500 hPa is indicated by the colors on right side.\\   ===== WTEM: 300hPa ===== {{:k-160.png?350|}} **WTEM 300hPa:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid blue. \\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots units with green wind barbs.\\   ===== WTEM: 200hPa ===== {{:k-161.png?350|}} **WTEM 200hPa:** 1. Contour line is shown in solid blue.\\ 2. Isotherm is represented by dotted red line.\\ 3. Wind speed is expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ ===== 9.1.8 Forecast Adiabatic Diagram =====   ===== Forecast Adiabatic Diagram ===== {{:k-162.png?450|}} ** Adiabatic Diagram:** 1. This shows an adiabatic diagram with hodograph.\\ ===== 9.1.9 Vertical Time Series =====   ===== Vertical Time Series(Short-Term) ===== {{:k-163.png?450|}} **Vertical Time Series: ** 1) First time series\\ Pressure: 50 hPa spacing on the Y-axis.\\ Temperature: Isothermal line is shown by solid red line at 2 ° C intervals.\\ Wind: Wind is indicated by black wind barbs.\\ Cloud & Rain: Cloud and rain water are shown in yellow hatched area; ice and snow are in green hatched area.\\ Time: The X-axis indicates time.\\ 2) The second time series\\ MSLP (Mean Sea Level Pressure): solid blue line. The corresponding hourly values are displayed as black numbers.\\ RH (Relative Humidity): solid green line. The corresponding hourly values are displayed as red numbers.\\ 3) The third time series\\ TPW (Total Precipitable Water): solid blue line. The corresponding hourly values are displayed as black numbers.\\ CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy): solid green line. The hourly values are expressed in red numbers, corresponding to Max Diluted CAPE.\\ 4) The fourth time series\\ Accumulated precipitation: colored bar. The hourly values are displayed as black numbers.\\ (Convective Snow: Blue, Large-scale Snow: Yellow, Convective Rain: Light blue, Large-scale Rain: Blue)\\ Total cumulative precipitation: solid green line. The hourly values are expressed as red numbers.\\ 5) The fifth time series\\ Sfc. Wind (Surface Wind): solid blue line. The hourly values are represented by black numbers and wind barbs.\\ Wind gust: green solid line. The hourly values are indicated by red numbers.\\ 6) The sixth time series\\ Temperature: solid blue line. The hourly values are displayed as black numbers.\\   ===== Vertical Time Series (Mid-Term) ===== {{:k-164.png?450|}} * This is the same contents as the vertical time series (short-term).\\   ===== Vertical Time Series (North Korea: Short-Term) ===== {{:k-165.png?450|}} * This is the same contents as the vertical time series (short-term).\\   ===== Vertical Time Series (North Korea: Mid-Term) ===== {{:k-166.png?450|}} * This is the same contents as the vertical time series (short-term).\\ ===== 10.1 Severe Weather ===== ===== 10.1.1 Stability(convection) =====   ===== K-Index ===== {{:k-167.png?450|}} **K-Index:** K-Index is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right side. The higher the instability, the darker the yellow color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== Lifted Index ===== {{:k-168.png?450|}} **Lifted Index:** Lifted index is indicated by the colors on the right side. The higher the instability, the darker the orange color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== Showalter Index ===== {{:k-169.png?450|}} **Showalter Index:** Showalter index is expressed by the colors on the right side. The higher instability, the darker the orange color.\\   ===== Total-total stability Index ===== {{:k-170.png?450|}} **Total-total stability Index:** Total-total stability index is expressed by the colors on the right side. The higher the instability, the darker the red color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, \\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== GDI Index ===== **No picture** **GDI Index(Thunderstorm Guidance):** GDI Index is expressed by the colors on the right side. The higher the probability of the thunderstorm, the darker the red color.\\   ===== Max Diluted CAPE and Convective Inhibition ===== {{:k-171.png?450|}} **Max Diluted CAPE and Convective Inhibition:** Max Diluted CAPE is expressed by the colors on the right side. The higher the instability, the darker the red color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present |   ===== Surface-based CAPE ===== **No picture** **Surface-based CAPE:** Surface-based CAPE is shown in the colors on the right side. The higher the instability, the darker the red color.\\   ===== SRH ===== {{:k-172.png?450|}} **SRH(Storm Relative Helicity):** SRH (Storm Relative Helicity) is shown in the colors on the right side. The higher the storm probability, the darker the blue color.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present | | KWRF | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | (3hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ 2015.02.05 | | KLAPS | 24 times a day (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,\\ 08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,\\ 18,19,20,21,22,23UTC) | 0~23hr(1hr) | 2010.09.01 ~ present |   ===== Surface Friction Velocity ===== {{:k-173.png?450|}} **Surface Friction Velocity:** Surface friction velocity is represented by the colors on the right side. The higher the surface friction velocity, the darker the red color.\\ ===== 10.1.2 Lightning =====   ===== Lightning Forecast Guidance ===== {{:k-174.png?550|}} **Lightning Forecast Guidance:** 1. A CAPE index of greater than 100 (J / kg) is represented by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. The first row shows the overlap of past lightning observations and past forecast CAPE index at 3-hour intervals.\\ 3. The second row represents the expected CAPE index at 3-hour intervals.\\ 4. Lightning points are indicated by the colors at the bottom by each past time period.\\   ===== Cloud Physics: Lightning Forecast Guidance ===== **No picture** **Cloud Physics - Lightning Forecast Guidance:** 1. When the CPTP (Cloud Physics Thunder Parameter) is more than 1 and 0.25 mm/hr or more, they are displayed in colors. \\ (CPTP: Variables created by using the conditions of physical parameters in the cloud which may produce lightning. If the value of CPTP is one or more, the conditions for lightning to occur are satisfied)\\ ===== 10.1.3 Heat wave =====   ===== Heat Wave Guidance ===== {{:k-175.png?450|}} **Heat Wave Guidance:** 1. Surface temperature was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and indicated by solid red line.\\ 2. Relative humiditie was analyzed at 10% intervals and indicated by solid black line.\\ 3. Wind speed is represented by black wind barbs.\\ 4. Heat index is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Special Warning Guidance ===== {{:k-176.png?450|}} **Special Warning Guidance:** 1. Special heat-wave warning guidance is indicated by four stages: Watch, Warning, Advisory, and Very Dangerous.\\   ===== Maximum Temperature Guidance ===== {{:k-177.png?450|}} **Maximum Temperature Guidance:** 1. Maximum temperature is analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Minimum Temperature Guidance ===== {{:k-178.png?450|}} **Minimum Temperature Guidance:** 1. Minimum temperature was analyzed at 3 ° C intervals and displayed by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Heat Index Time Series - Region ===== {{:k-179.png?450|}} **Time Series Comparison – Seoul and Gyeonggi Province: ** 1. The X-axis represents date.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents temperature.\\ 3. Solid red line indicates heat index.\\ 4. Solid blue line indicates surface temperature.\\ ===== 10.1.4 Analysis of Changma(rainy season) =====   ===== Spatial Analysis Summary ===== {{:k-180.png?450|}} **Sea Level Pressure and Accumulated Precipitation (12 hours):** 1. Sea level pressure was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and indicated by solid black line.\\ 2. 12-hour cumulative precipitation is expressed in units of millimeters (mm) by the colors on the right side. The greater the precipitation amount, the more red the color.\\ **500 hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature at 850 hPa:** 1. Contour line was analyzed at 60 gpm intervals and indicated by solid blue line.\\ 2. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is indicated by the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropical base) is expressed in a gradient from yellow-green to red.\\ **Surface Dew-Point Temp. & TPW(Total Precipitable Water):** 1. Surface dew-point temperature was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and indicated by solid red line.\\ 2. Wetted area is indicated by green hatched area.\\ 3. Wind speed is indicated in units of knots by black wind barbs.\\ 4. Total precipitable water is represented by the colors on the right side.\\ **925hPa Dew-Point Temp. & OLR(Outgoing Longwave Radiation):** 1. Dew point temperature at 925 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and indicated by solid red line.\\ 2. Wind speed is indicated in units of knots by green wind barbs.\\ 3. Outgoing longwave radiation is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\ **850hPa Dew-Point Temp. & Dew Point Deficit(T-Td):** 1. Equal dew point temperature line at 850 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and indicated by solid red line.\\ 2. 850-hPa dewpoint deficit is indicated by the colors on the right side. The lower the water content, the darker green.\\ 3. Wind speed is indicated in units of knots by black wind barbs.\\ **200 hPa Wind & 700 hPa Ascending Speed:** 1. Ascending speed at 700 hPa is indicated by red color as the (-) value increases.\\ 2. Winds at 200 hPa are expressed in units of knots with green wind barbs.\\ 3. Wind speed of over 75 knots is indicated by solid blue line.\\   ===== Time Series Analysis ===== {{:k-181.png?450|}} **Sea Level Pressure and Cumulative Precipitation (12 hours):** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Sea level pressure was analyzed at 2 hPa intervals and indicated by solid black line.\\ 4. 12-hour cumulative precipitation is expressed in units of millimeters (mm) by the colors on the right side. \\ **500 hPa Height and Equivalent Potential Temperature at 850 hPa:** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Contour line was analyzed at 60 gpm intervals and indicated by solid blue line.\\ 4. Equivalent potential temperature (K) is indicated by the colors on the right side. Temperatures of 333K or higher (boundary value of the subtropical base) is expressed in a gradient from yellow-green to red.\\ **Surface Dew-Point Temp. & TPW(Total Precipitable Water):** 1. The x-axis represents time.\\ 2. The y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Dew point temperature of surface was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and indicated by solid red line.\\ 4. Wetted area is indicated by a green hatched area.\\ 5. Wind speed is indicated in units of knots by black wind barbs.\\ 6. Total precipitable water is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\ **925hPa Dew-Point Temp. & Vorticity:** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Dew point temperatures at 925 hPa were analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and indicated by red solid line.\\ 4. Relative vorticity is indicated by the colors on the right side. The higher the vorticity, the darker the red color.\\ 5. Wind speed is indicated in units of knots by black wind barbs.\\ **850hPa Dew-Point Temp. & Deficit(T-Td):** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Equal dew point temperature line at 850 hPa was analyzed at 5 ° C intervals and indicated by solid red line.\\ 4. Dew point deficit at 850 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side. The lower the water content, the darker the green color.\\ 5. Wind speed is shown in units of knots by black wind barbs.\\ **200hPa Wind & 700 hPa Ascending Speed:** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Ascending speed at 700 hPa is shown in red as the (-) value increases.\\ 4. Winds at 200 hPa are indicated in units of knots by black wind barbs.\\ 5. Wind speeds of greater than 75 knots are indicated by solid blue line.\\   ===== Tendency of Equivalent Potential Temperature ===== {{:k-182.png?450|}} **Tendency of Equivalent Potential Temperature:** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents latitude (solid red line corresponds to Korea).\\ 3. Equivalent potential temperature at 850 hPa is indicated by the colors on the right side.\\   ===== Changma(Rainy Season) Index ===== {{:k-183.png?450|}} **Changma(Rainy Season) Index:** 1. Column 1 represents time.\\ 2. Column 2 represents an average of 36.25 ° N east-west altitude at 200 hPa.\\ 3. Column 3 represents a mean value of 27.5 ° N east-west wind at 200 hPa.\\ 4. Column 4 represents an average of 45 ° N east-west altitude at 200 hPa.\\ 5. Column 5 represents the Changma (rainy season) index.\\ (Changma (rainy season) index is calculated by using values in the second, third, and fourth columns)\\ **Changma(Rainy Season) Index:** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis indicates the rainy season index.\\ (Theoretical values reach 100 % at the start of Changma)\\ ===== 10.1.5 Fog =====   ===== Humidity Forecast ===== {{:k-184.png?450|}} **Humidity Forecast:** 1. This indicate areas with relative humidity of 98% or more at 3 hour intervals.\\   ===== Visibility ===== {{:k-185.png?450|}} **Visibility:** 1. Spatial distribution of visibility (in km) at an altitude of 1.5 m is represented by the colors on the right side. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | UM Global | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~288hr(3hr) | 2010.03.22 ~ present | | UM Regional | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~87hr(3hr) | 2010.05.13 ~ present | | UM Local | 4 times a day (00,06,12,18UTC) | 0~36hr(1hr) | 2000.01.01 ~ present |   ===== fraction ===== {{:k-186.png?450|}} **fraction:** 1. Spatial distribution of fraction at 1.5m altitude is represented by the colors on the right side.\\ (Fog fraction: probability that visibility is less than 1km.)\\ ===== 10.1.6 UM Region: Fog guidance =====   ===== By Region ===== {{:k-187.png?450|}} **UM Regional Fog Guidance(RDAPS):** 1. The X-axis represents 6-hour time interval.\\ 2. Atmospheric pressure is shown on the Y-axis at 25-50 hPa intervals.\\ 3. Vertical temperature line is indicated by solid red line at 3 ° C intervals.\\ 4. Wind is represented by black wind barbs. \\ 5. Vertical relative humidity is indicated by solid blue line. An area where water content is expected to be over 80 % is shown in green. \\ 6. Temperature difference between the upper and lower layers is indicated by a red bar graph.\\ 7. Precipitation expected area is shown in sky blue.\\ 8. In the table, the variable values corresponding to fog advisory are indicated by a light yellow color.\\ 9. In the table, the variable values corresponding to fog alarm are indicated by a dark yellow color.\\ **UM Regional Fog Guidance(MOS):** 1. The X-axis represents 6-hour time interval.\\ 2. Relative humidity and temperature are shown on the Y-axis.\\ 3. Relative humidity is represented by solid dark gray line.\\ 4. Temperature is indicated by solid red line.\\ 5. Air pressure is indicated by solid blue line.\\ 6. Wind is represented by black wind barbs.\\ 7. The area where dew point depression is expected is represented by a light green background.\\ 8. The prediction of three-hour cumulative precipitation is represented by a green bar graph.\\ 9. The area where precipitation is expected is shown in sky blue.\\ **UM Regional Fog Guidance(UM):** 1. The X-axis represents 6-hour time interval.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents visibility and fog fraction.\\ 3. Visibility is indicated by solid red line.\\ 4. Fog fraction is indicated by solid blue line.\\ 5. The area corresponding to fog advisory is indicated by a light yellow color.\\ 6. The area corresponding to fog alarm is shown in dark yellow.\\ ===== 10.1.7 Localization: Fog Guidance =====   ===== By Region ===== **No picture** **Local Specialized Fog Guidance:** 1. The X-axis represents 3-hour time interval.\\ 2. The Y-axis indicates visibility.\\ 3. RFOG is indicated by solid red line. \\ 4. UM is indicated by solid blue line.\\ 5. The area corresponding to fog advisory is indicated by a light yellow color.\\ 6. The area corresponding to fog alarm is shown in dark yellow.\\ **Local Specialized Fog Guidance:** 1. The X-axis represents 3-hour time interval.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents atmospheric pressure.\\ 3. Isotherm is indicated by solid red line.\\ 4. Relative humidity is indicated by solid blue line. The area where dew point deficit is expected to be more than 80 % is shown in green.\\ 5. Temperature difference between the upper and lower layers is indicated by a red bar graph.\\ **Local Specialized Fog Guidance:** 1. The X-axis represents 3-hour time interval.\\ 2. The Y-axis represents temperature and relative humidity.\\ 3. Temperature is indicated by solid red line.\\ 4. Air pressure is indicated by solid blue line.\\ 5. Relative humidity is indicated by solid black line.\\ 6. Wind is represented by black wind barbs.\\ 7. The area where dew point deficit is expected is represented by a light green background.\\ ===== 10.1.8 Localization: Fog Prediction: Spatial Distribution =====   ===== Region–Specific Fog Prediction - Spatial distribution ===== **No picture** **Region–Specific Fog Prediction - Spatial Distribution:** 1. Visibility is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right side.\\ ===== 10.1.9 Localization: Fog Prediction: Visibility Change Table =====   ===== Region-Specific Fog Prediction—Spatial Distribution ===== **No picture** **Region-Specific Fog Prediction - Visibility Change Judgment Table:** 1. Visibility by region is shown in red (<0.2km), orange (<0.5km), and yellow (<1.0km).\\ ===== 10.1.10 Cloud Variable: Fog Guidance =====   ===== Region-Specific Fog Prediction—Spatial Distribution ===== {{:k-188.png?450|}} **Region–Specific Fog Prediction—Spatial Distribution:** 1. Visibility is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right side.\\ 2. Regional forecasting model uses the cloud physical parameters of the lowest cloud base at the altitude of 20 m above the ground.\\ 3. Local forecast model uses the lowest cloud physical parameter at the altitude of 5 m.\\ 4. Regional forecasting model overlaps 3-hour cumulative precipitation (from April to April: over 0.5 mm, from May to October: over 0.25 mm).\\ 5. Local forecasting model overlaps the areas where 1-hour cumulative precipitation is 0.1 mm or more.\\ ===== 10.1.11 Air: Clear Air Turbulence =====   ===== By Altitude ===== | {{:k-189.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(925hPa) \\ | {{:k-190.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(850hPa) \\ | | {{:k-191.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(700hPa) \\ | {{:k-192.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(600hPa) \\ | | {{:k-193.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(500hPa) \\ | {{:k-194.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(400hPa) \\ | | {{:k-195.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(300hPa) \\ | {{:k-196.png?300|}} \\ Clear Air Turbulence(200hPa) \\ | **Clear Air Turbulence(925hPa)/ Clear Air Turbulence(850hPa)/ Clear Air Turbulence(700hPa)/ Clear Air Turbulence(600hPa)**\\ **Clear Air Turbulence(500hPa)/ Clear Air Turbulence(400hPa)/ Clear Air Turbulence(300hPa)/ Clear Air Turbulence(200hPa)**\\ 1. Probability of clear air turbulence is indicated from 0 to 100 % by using the colors in the color bar on the right side.\\ ===== 10.1.12 Airport: Vertical Time Series (36HR – 10 days) =====   ===== By Airport ===== {{:k-197.png?450|}} * This is the same as the forecasting vertical time series.\\ ===== 10.1.13 Airport: Fog Guidance =====   ===== By Airport ===== {{:k-198.png?450|}} * This is the same as the forecasting vertical time series.\\ ===== 10.1.14 Yellow Dust Guidance =====   ===== Yellow Dust Weather Chart ===== {{:k-199.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Weather Chart :** 1. This chart displays isobars (solid blue line at 2 hPa intervals) and dust phenomenon (sand dust, haze, and smoke) on the surface map.\\ 2. This shows cloud cover in the dust occurrence area.\\ 3. This displays wind direction, wind velocity, and visibility (100 m units) in the area where yellow dust is occurred.\\ 4. This displays the source areas of yellow dust in China and Mongolia (shown in yellow, legend ) and 15 sites of Korea-China joint observation network (legend ).\\   ===== Yellow Dust Forward Trajectory(1000 m) ===== {{:k-200.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Forward Trajectory(1000m):** 1. This displays the expected trajectory of yellow dust over the next 72 hours at the altitude of 1000 m in the yellow dust area (marked by square) (dot: 6 hour intervals, circle: 24 hour intervals).\\ 2. Images are generated every 3 hours.\\   ===== Yellow Dust Forward Trajectory(3000m) ===== {{:k-201.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Forward Trajectory(3000m):** 1. This shows the expected trajectory of yellow dust for the next 72 hours at the altitude of 3000 m in the yellow dust area (marked by square) (dot: 6 hour intervals, circle: 24 hour intervals).\\ 2. Images are generated every 3 hours.\\   ===== Yellow Dust Forward Trajectory(5000m) ===== {{:k-202.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Forward Trajectory(5000m):** 1. This displays the expected trajectory for the next 72 hours at the altitude of 5000 m in the yellow dust area (marked by square) (point: 6 hour intervals, circle: 24 hour intervals.)\\ 2. Images are generated every 3 hours.\\   ===== Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(100m) ===== {{:k-203.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(100m):** 1. This displays the predicted trajectory of air masses that have flowed into the fixed 20 sites (marked by square) at 100 m altitude in Korea and nearby China for the past 48 hours (point: every 6 hours, circle: every 24 hours).\\ 2. This generates 17 rear traces every 3 hours by using the past 48-hour analytical field and the 48-hour forecast field, at intervals of 12 hours (initial to 48 hours, at 3 hour intervals).\\   ===== Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(1500m) ===== {{:k-204.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(1500m):** 1. This displays the predicted trajectory of air masses that have flowed into the fixed 20 sites (marked by square) at 1500 m altitude in Korea and nearby China for the past 48 hours (point: every 6 hours, circle: every 24 hours).\\ 2. This generates 17 rear traces every 3 hours by using the past 48-hour analytical field and the 48-hour forecast field, at intervals of 12 hours (initial to 48 hours, every 3 hours).\\   ===== Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(3000m) ===== {{:k-205.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(3000m):** 1. This displays the predicted trajectory of air masses that have flowed into the fixed 20 sites (marked by square) at the altitude of 3000 m in Korea and nearby China for the past 48 hours (point: every 6 hours, circle: every 24 hours). \\ 2. This generates 17 rear traces every 3 hours by using the past 48-hour analytical field and the 48-hour forecast field, at intervals of 12 hours (initial to 48 hours, every 3 hours).\\   ===== Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(5000m) ===== {{:k-206.png?450|}} **Yellow Dust Backward Trajectory(5000m)** 1. This displays the predicted tradjectory of air masses that have flowed into fixed 20 sites (marked by square) at 5000 m altitude in Korea and nearby China for the past 48 hours (point: every 6 hours, circle: every 24 hours).\\ 2. This generates 17 rear traces every 3 hours by using the past 48-hour analytical field and the 48-hour forecast field, at intervals of 12 hours (Initial– 48 hours, every 3 hours).\\   ===== 지표면 PM10 농도 ===== {{:k-207.png?500|}} *Add ft03 to distinguish it from vertical time series\\ **Surface PM10 Concentration:** 1. Surface PM10 concentration (in unit of ㎍/㎥) is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right side. \\ 2. Streamline and wind vector use a weather chart at 1500 m altitude.\\   ===== Vertically Integrated TSP Concentration ===== {{:k-208.png?500|}} **Vertically Integrated TSP Concentration:** 1. Concentration of vertically integrated total suspended particulate (mg/m 2) is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right side.\\ 2. Streamline and wind vector use a weather chart at 1500 m altitude.\\   ===== Dry Deposition Concentration ===== {{:k-209.png?500|}} **Dry Deposition Concentration:** 1. Dry deposition concentration (mg/㎡) is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right.\\ - Dry deposition: yellow dust sinking down to the ground due to gravitational settling. \\ 2. Streamline and wind vector use a weather chart at 1500 m altitude.\\   ===== Wet Deposition Concentration ===== {{:k-210.png?500|}} **Wet Deposition Concentration:** 1. Wet deposition concentration (㎎/㎡) is indicated by colors in the color bar on the right.\\ - Wet deposition: yellow dust sinking down to the ground due to rain.\\ 2. Streamline and wind vector use a weather chart at 1500 m altitude.\\   ===== Aerosol Optical Depth ===== {{:k-211.png?500|}} **Aerosol Optical Depth:** 1. Optical depth (unitless) of the yellow dust aerosol is displayed by the colors in the color bar on the right. \\ - Optical thickness: the degree of light attenuation by aerosol.\\ 2. Streamline and wind vector use a weather chart at 1500 m altitude.\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | Yellow Dust(ADAM2) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2011.05.30 ~ present |   ===== PM10 Vertical Time Series (by region) ===== {{:k-212.png?450|}} **PM10 Vertical Time Series (by region):** 1. This displays the predicted time series of PM10 vertical distribution (㎍/㎥) for the next 72 hours.\\ 2. 15 sites in Korea (5 in the west coast, 5 in cities, and 5 in the east coast), 15 sites in China (5 in Gobi, 5 in Hwangto, and 5 in Manchuria), 15 sites in North Korea (5 in the west, 5 in the central, and 5 in the east), 12 sites in Japan (4 in the west, 4 in the central region, and 4 in the east).\\ ===== 10.1.15 Fog =====   ===== PBL Height ===== {{:k-213.png?400|}} **PBL Height:** 1. PBL height (m) from 0 to 3000 m is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right.\\ -PBL: Planetary Boundary Layer \\   ===== PBL, Stability Class, and Visibility Time Series (by region) ===== {{:k-214.png?450|}} **PBL, Stability Class, and Visibility Time Series (by region):** 1. The X-axis shows 3-hour time interval.\\ 2. The Y-axis shows PBL altitude (m) and visibility (km).\\ 3. PBL height is displayed in solid red line.\\ 4. Visibility is displayed in soild blue line.\\ ===== 10.1.16 Marine =====   ===== Wave Analysis ===== {{:k-215.png?450|}} **Wave Analysis:** 1. Significant wave height (units of meter) is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Sea surface wind is expressed by black wind barbs in units of knots (over 30 knots are displayed by red wind barbs).\\ 3. Average direction is represented by white arrows.\\   ===== Sea Surface Wind and Wave Height ===== {{:k-216.png?450|}} **Sea Surface Wind and Wave Height:** 1. Significant wave height (units of meter) is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Sea surface wind is expressed by black wind barbs in unit of knots (over 30 knots are displayed by red wind barbs).\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | Global wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2008.01.01 ~ present | | Regional wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2008.01.01 ~ present | | Local wave model(Gangwon) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Kwangju) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Daejeon) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Busan) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Jeju) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local Wave model(eastern part of the South Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(western part of the South Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(southern part of the West Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(central part of the West Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(southern part of the East Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(central part of the East Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Ensemble wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2014.01.01 ~ present |   ===== Peak Periods and Wave Mean Direction ===== {{:k-217.png?450|}} **Peak Periods and Wave Mean Direction:** 1. The peak period (units of sec) is displayed by the colors in the color bar on the right side.\\ 2. Wave mean direction is represented by black arrows. \\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | Global wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2008.01.01 ~ present | | Regional wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2008.01.01 ~ present | | Local wave model(Gangwon) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Kwangju) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Daejeon) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Busan) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Jeju) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local Wave model(eastern part of the South Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(western part of the South Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(southern part of the West Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(central part of the West Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(southern part of the East Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(central part of the East Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Ensemble wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2014.01.01 ~ present |   ===== Wave Height and Wave Mean Direction ===== **No picture** **Wave Height and Wave Mean Direction:** 1. Significant wave height (units of meter) is displayed by the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Wave mean direction is represented by black arrows.\\   ===== Sea Surface Wind (wind direction, wind speed) ===== {{:k-218.png?450|}} **Sea Surface Wind (wind direction, wind speed):** 1. Sea surface wind is displayed in units of knots by the colors on the right side. \\ 2. Sea surface wind is indicated by black wind barbs (over 30 knots are indicated by red wind barbs).\\ ^ Model Name ^ Period ^ Predicted time (interval) ^ Viewable time ^ | Global wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2008.01.01 ~ present | | Regional wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2008.01.01 ~ present | | Local wave model(Gangwon) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Kwangju) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Daejeon) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Busan) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local wave model(Jeju) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2013.10.31 ~ present | | Local Wave model(eastern part of the South Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(western part of the South Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(southern part of the West Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(central part of the West Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(southern part of the East Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Local wave model(central part of the East Sea) | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (6hr) | 2010.01.01 ~ 2013.10.30 | | Ensemble wave model | 2 times a day(00,12UTC) | (3hr) | 2014.01.01 ~ present |   ===== Route Forecast ===== {{:k-219.png?450|}} **Route Forecast:** 1. The X-axis represents time. \\ 2. The thickness of sky blue line indicates significant wave height. \\ 3. When the wave height is higher than 3m, it is displayed as red numbers.\\ 4. Sea surface wind is expressed by black wind barbs in units of knots. \\   ===== 3-hour Sea Surface Wind and Wave Height ===== {{:k-220.png?450|}} **3-hour Sea Surface Wind and Wave Height:** 1. This shows sea surface wind and wave height at intervals of 3 hours. \\ 2. Significant wave height (in units of meter) is displayed in the colors at the top. \\ 3. Sea surface wind is expressed by black wind barbs in units of knots (over 30 knots are displayed as red wind barbs).\\   ===== 12 hours Sea Surface Wind and Wave Height ===== {{:k-221.png?450|}} **12 hours Sea Surface Wind and Wave Height:** 1. This shows sea surface wind and wave height at intervals of 12 hours. \\ 2. Significant wave height (in units of meter) is displayed in the colors at the top. \\ 3. Sea wind is expressed by black wind barbs in units of knots (over 30 knots are displayed as red wind barbs).\\   ===== Wave Height Time Series by Sea Area (Coastal sea) ===== {{:k-222.png?450|}} **Wave Height Time Series by Sea Area(Coastal Sea):** 1. The X-axis represents time. \\ 2. The Y-axis shows wave height. \\ 3. Expected maximum wave height is displayed in solid red line. \\ 4. Expected average wave height is displayed in solid blue line.\\   ===== Wave Height Time Series by Sea Area(Offshore) ===== {{:k-223.png?450|}} **Wave Height Time Series by Sea Area(Offshore):** 1. The X-axis represents time. \\ 2. The Y-axis shows wave height. \\ 3. Expected maximum wave height is displayed in solid red line. \\ 4. Expected average wave height is displayed in solid blue line.\\ ===== 10.1.17 Coastal Wave Model(Regional Office) =====   ===== Sea Surface Wind / Significant Wave Height ===== {{:k-224.png?450|}} **Sea surface Wind and Significant Wave Height:** 1. Significant wave height (units of meter) is displayed in the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Sea surface wind is expressed by black wind barbs in units of knots (over 30 knots are displayed as red wind barbs).\\   ===== Peak Periods and Wave Mean Direction ===== {{:k-225.png?450|}} **Peak Periods and Wave Mean Direction:** 1. Peak periods (in units of sec) is displayed in the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Wave mean direction is represented by black arrows.\\   ===== Wave Height and Wave Mean Direction ===== **No picture** **Wave Height and Wave Mean Direction:** 1. Significant wave height (in units of meter) is displayed in the colors on the right side.\\ 2. Wave mean direction is represented by black arrows. \\   ===== Sea Surface Wind (wind direction, wind speed) ===== {{:k-226.png?450|}} **Sea Surface Wind(wind direction, wind speed):** 1. Sea surface wind is displayed in the colors in the color bar on the right side. \\ 2. Sea surface wind is displayed as black wind barbs (over 30 knots are displayed as red wind barbs). \\   ===== Sea Surface Wind and Significant Wave Height (summarized) ===== {{:k-227.png?450|}} **Sea Surface Wind and Significant Wave Height:** 1. This shows sea surface wind and the significant wave height at intervals of 12 hours.\\ 2. Significant wave height (in units of meter) is displayed by the colors at the bottom.\\ 3. Sea surface wind is expressed in the unit of knots with black wind barbs (over 30 knots are displayed as red wind barbs).\\   ===== BUOY Point Spectrum Forecast Chart ===== {{:k-228.png?450|}} **BUOY Point Spectrum Forecast Chart:** 1. This shows spectral wave energy at the buoy point by using colors.\\ 2. As stronger energy is distributed in concentric circles on the inside, longer swells are more dominant. As stronger energy is distributed in concentric circles on the outside, shorter-wind waves are more dominant. \\ 3. The arrow in middle indicates wind direction. \\ 4. Hs indicates significant wave. \\ 5. Wave direction is the direction from which the waves are coming (whereas the wind direction is the direction from which it orginates). If there is a high enery wave height in red color near the center of the southwestern area, this wave is interpreted that swell is dominant and its direction is from the northeast to the southwest.\\ ===== 10.1.18 Regional Storm Surge =====   ===== Storm Surge Model ===== {{:k-229.png?450|}} **Tide/Storm Surge Model:** 1. Predicted surge height (predicted tidal elevation – predicted astronomical data) is indicated by the colors in the color bar on the right side. \\   ===== Surge Height Forecast Chart ===== {{:k-230.png?450|}} **Surge Height Forecast Chart:** 1. This shows predicted surge height (predicted tide level – predicted astronomical tide) in the colors in the color bar at the top, at the interval of 3 hours.\\   ===== Time Series (by region) ===== {{:k-231.png?450|}} **Time Series (by region):** 1. The X-axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis shows tide.\\ 3. Storm surge (rise in water level due to weather conditions) is shown in solid red line.\\ 4. Astronomical tide is displayed in solid blue line.\\ ===== 10.1.19 Local Storm Surge =====   ===== Storm Surge Model ===== {{:k-232.png?450|}} *Local data includes city names in the middle. Excludes city name.\\ **Storm Surge Model:** 1. This shows predicted surge height (predicted tide level – predicted astronomical tide) in the colors in the color bar on the right side.\\   ===== Surge Height Forecast Chart ===== {{:k-233.png?450|}} **Surge Height Forecast Chart:** 1. This shows predicted surge height (predicted tide level – predicted astronomical tide) in the colors in the right color bar at the top, at the interval of 3 hours.\\   ===== Time Series(by region)===== {{:k-234.png?500|}} **Time Series (by region):** 1. The X–axis represents time.\\ 2. The Y-axis shows tide.\\ 3. Storm surge (rise in water level due to weather conditions) is displayed in solid red line.\\ 4. Astronomical tide is displayed in solid blue line.\\